Death Valley National Park
Death Valley National Park
Death Valley National Park is an American national park that straddles the California–Nevada border, east of the Sierra Nevada. The park boundaries include Death Valley, the northern section of Panamint Valley, the southern section of Eureka Valley, and most of Saline Valley. The park occupies an interface zone between the arid Great Basin and Mojave deserts, protecting the northwest corner of the Mojave Desert and its diverse environment of salt-flats, sand dunes, badlands, valleys, canyons, and mountains. Death Valley is the largest national park in the contiguous United States, and the hottest, driest and lowest of all the national parks in the United States.
134 Waypoints
Death Valley Northwest
The Northwest region of the park includes popular locations like Ubehebe Volcanic Crater, Racetrack Playa and the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes.
Death Valley Northeast
The Northeast region of the park includes popular locations like the Salt Creek Interpretive Trail, Hells Gate and few Ghost Towns.
Death Valley Southwest
The Southwest region of the park includes popular locations like Darwin Falls, Father Crowley Overlook and Telescope Peak.
Death Valley Southeast
The Southeast region of the park includes popular locations like Zabriskie Point, Artists Palette and Badwater Basin.
Trekstarter Team Author
These tours are created by the Trekstarter Research Team.